Soothing Grounding Techniques

In my previous articles I have already written about the definition of a grounding technique and its types – physical and mental. This article will help you understand how the soothing grounding techniques work. While the main goal of soothing grounding techniques is the same as physical and mental ones, soothing techniques differ from them … Read more

Mental Grounding Techniques

Mental grounding techniques can include physical ones but their main purpose is to make your mind busy. While physical grounding techniques focus on 5 senses, mental techniques focus on occupying your mind. Mental types of distraction redirect your thoughts and help you stop spiraling. What is a Mental Grounding Technique? Mental grounding techniques are also … Read more

Physical Grounding Techniques

Physical Grounding Techniques or Physical Grounding term is used to describe grounding activities that involve your 5 senses: Sight, Hearing, Smell, Taste and Touch. While the other 2 types – Mental and Soothing include mental and emotional activities. Physical Grounding is considered to be more common because you can actually physically “ground” yourself with the … Read more

What is a Grounding Technique in Psychotherapy?

Grounding techniques are methods to manage anxiety, stress and other overwhelming emotions by focusing on the present moment. Grounding will help you step away from spiraling or trauma-related distress. These methods can be mental, physical and soothing. Focusing on the present moment helps to take control over emotions and decrease the intensity of them. There … Read more

54321 Grounding Technique

54321 grounding technique is easy to remember, fast to apply and suitable for kids. Mental health professionals recommend using it as a distraction, a way for your mind and body to calm down, stop spiraling. Feel free to screenshot or copy the image for your everyday use or to share with friends and loved ones. … Read more